Hi everyone.
Sorry that i am a bit late for all those evening blog viewers with my Tuesday update.
However, there is a good reason as mum and dad went to the pictures last night for a break. They went to see The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.

Before i start i want to send a big 'aaaaagh matey' out to Uncle Sneag. He is currently trawling round the Carribean on a big boat pretending to be Johnny Depp.
However by the wonders of modern technology he sent me a message. Good to hear from you uncle sneag.

Well as you can see from the photos i am still mixing my time between being on cpap and being off it. They take me off the machine as the mask i have to wear is very uncomfortable and it squashes my timy nose. Now i'm not sure if this is some conspiracy by dad to try to ensure that i do not have the famous 'Hayes nose' (bit like a roman one but not as much noble breeding'. However it does give me a little time out in the free air.
Also you can see me wearing a dress that was very kindly bought for me by auntie ellen. Apparently mum saw that all the other little girls in the room were wearing dresses and threw a susan paddy! Of course when dad turned up he did the usual 'aah she looks so pretty - now put her in some jeans' routine, but i think he was really very happy.

Ok so here we have some more visitors today. This is the long anticipated auntie anne (she's the welsh one) and uncle graham (he's the gunner). They very kindly drove all the way up from Ross-on-Wye to see me (and i suppose to see mum and dad too). It was really nice to see them and they gave me some lovely gifts. Thank you so much both of you. They also went out for a meal with mum and dad and grandad t and uncle (i don't normally make a fuss) ian.

Time for some more cuddles. This is with dad and i did really well as i didn't have a desat the whole time i was shoved down his shirt. Mum says it has something to do with the oxygen getting trapped in the fur!!!

So its goodbye from me again.
Now tomorrow is another weighing day sao place your bets on what i will be.
Dad reckons that it will be 2lbs 12oz, and mum does not know as she cant't work out the conversions. And tomorrow i will be 21 (days that is).
Night night
(actually its good morning)
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