Monday, December 12, 2005

Hi everyone. Well here we go on another week.
I am now 12 days old which is absolutley fantastic.
However the doctors did warn mum and dad that there would be some backwards steps and this weekend i had a little one.

What happened is that Saturday evening I satrted developing something called a desat.
This is when my o2 levels drop sharply below normal levels. Now this is a very common thin with new born babies, and especially with prem ones.

Now i must admit that i scared mum and dad a little bit, but the doctor came straight to see me and did some tests.
What he was worried about was that i had picked up a little infection or that i was very tired after all my exertions.
So the doctor decided that because my tummy was a little bloated, he would stop my feeds for the time being and put me back on a drip. Also he would start a batch of antibiotics. That is why in the photographs i have my snowborad back on my arm. Dude!

Any way, the sum result is that i missed some feeds from saturday night to sunday. I was weighed on sunday morning and i had put 10g on. This is not bad, especially when you consider it would have been more had i been eating for the previous 24 hours. Unfortunatley i also had to go back on ther oxygen tube again for a while.

However these photographs are as you see me today. The oxygen tube has gone and I am back up to 6mls of milk and hour. My course of antibiotics has passed and i will probably loose the snowboard tomorrow morning. So its good news again. Dad says him and mum were warned that it would be an up and down process but he thought it would be two steps forward and one back as opposed to five forward.

Tonight i had a big cuddly bear came and visit me. And he brought me an even bigger cuddly bear. Uncle Sturat is going on a cruise to the Carribbean on thursday so i thought it would be nice to see him before he went. The bear is far to big to fit in my room, so he is waiting at home with all the other lovely presents that everyone has bought me. Thank you so much, they are fabulous.

So this is where you find me now. I am a little back from where i was on friday night, but still a lot further advanced than i should be at the moment. So here is hoping it continues.

I will speak to you all tomorrow night. Until then night night.


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