Hiya. Here I am again with todays latest batch of photos.
Now, what is so special about these ones? Well if you look very closely you will see that i have not only got my left eye open, but i have my right one too.

That is of course when i can be bothered to keep my eyes open. To be brutally honest, there is not a lot to see outside this box. Except when mum comes to visit.

And of course when grandad taylor comes.

In fact it is the highlight of my day seeing all these friendly people worried about little old me.

Well nearly everyone!!

Only kidding. I love dad ever so much. And i think it is really nasty all the horrible things uncle stuart and uncle kimbo say about him. I had a nice message from angela and emily today, and i hope to see them soon. Not sure about uncle kimbo though, Apparently his aim is not that good as anyone who has parked a car at the golf club car park will know.

So apart from the two eyes open there is not a lot to report to you. I am continuing to do really well. I am now up to 11mls of food every hour and half, and everyone seems quite confident i should have increased weight come the sunday weigh in. Its just like fat fighters round here, but in reverse!

This weekend i am probably going to have quite a few visitors. Also i think mum and dad are going to be busy what with finally having to get ready for christmas and continuing the house reconstruction (great time to start dad!) So what i am going to do is take a break this weekend and then catch up with you all on monday.

If there is any major breaking news i will of course be back, but i think i need to give my tiny fingers a little rest. So i will speak to you all on monday. Hopefully you can all see great improvements in me since i started my website, and hopefully these will continue to become noticeable.
So its bye for now
hi zoe!
i would just like to say that you are doing really well and even though you may not be responsible for it all i am proud of you to the very end! you are getting stronger each day and i really cant wait until i can see and/or hold you! you are the best (and most surprising) christmas prezzie anybody could wish for!
i love you loads
tash xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Zoe good to see you have your eyes open and your feeds are on the up all in all it looks a good week hope you are still looking after mum and dad as i know they will need it.Just a quick bit of advise keep your eyes shut when dads about its a beter view.Anyway you keep telling us that dads a SCOT but it says SHEFIELD on your birth certificate.???????????
P.S Looking forward to seeing you all soon love uncle Stu aunti Sue Luke and Rosie HUGS and KISSES.XXXXXX
Hi Tash.
Nice to hear from you. Thanks for all the nice rthings you said and for helping to look after mum and dad. They and i really appreciate it from you, and your sisters.
I cant wait til i meet you at last, and it won't be long really.
See you soon.
No uncle stu, i think you will find that is Sheffield!! Thats with two f's. Dad says that is all the unique mix that makes us such special individuals. He also says that all this attention he is lashing on me is making him worried about his golf game. he feels the competition may be catching up. Thats not you and uncle kimbo, that's luke.
See you all soon.
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