Now a lot of people have been saying nice things about my website so i want to thank you all. I hope that you can all start to see improvements in me.
My mum has just made a suggestion that i think is really good. She says that I should put a disclaimer on my site, removing responsibility from me for anybody who gets sack at work for spending more time on the web than at work.
I had a lovely message from my friend Lindsay today. She told me that she really likes my hat and that she thinks my dad is being unfair.
So that has told him! Ya boo to you!
Now in terms of news, today has been quite slow. Nothing of any significance has happened.
Now, this is not worrying. This is quite good, because this shows that i am progressing quite nicely. Indeed, my doctor today told mum that the next few weeks are waiting games, where i slowly put on weight and hopefully don't have too many medical problems.
I have had a few tests today. The first was an analysis of my blood gases. This is very important and thankfully they came back ok.
Secondly I had a bloods spot test. This helps the doctors determine if i am ok and not suffering from problems like thyroid or cistic fibrosis. Lindsey, my carer today said that i was a very good girl and didn't make a sound when they took some blood out of my foot.
So things are progressing nicely. So i will now show you some photos of me and gramps and grandma, who saw me for the first time today outside of my box.
Here are mum and grandma
And here are Grandma and Grandad with mum.
And here is something that you don't need to see 2 feet away from your face when you are only 6 days old!
Only kidding, love you Grandad.
Right I am going to get off to sleep again (it's a hard life).
Now tomorrow is going to be a very exciting day for me. Firstly I will get weighed again so we can see how i am progressing on mu feeds.
However the second is a bit of a surprise. I will fill you all in tomorrow.
Night night from King's Mill
Hi Zoe
Love your website. It's great to be able to follow your progress from home. I'm so glad that you are doing so well. Ignore your dad, the hat is very trendy! Perhaps your Gran could knit you some more. Congratulations and best wishes to your Mum and Dad. Lots of love, Jan Bell xxx
hi Zoe your looking well,Julia & terry,Mic & elaine all send there congratulations hope to see you very soon.lots of love auntie Angela,uncle rich & gang xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello Zoe,
You are looking good. Hey what an entrance you made. Keep it up girl, you will go far. Enjoyed your website, looked at Aunty Ellens today. Must find a hat for your dad. Pink is just his colour.
Lots of love and a pretend cuddle
Great Aunt Mary
In spite of having written and spoken to your Mum and Dad I just had to prove that I can do technology too!! As I said last night we have stayed away as we do not regard ourselves as family but we are 'itching' to see you. We are consulting canine and personal diaries to see what can be arranged. Great Aunty Annie and Great Uncle Graham, (you'll recognise us as I will be wearing a Welsh rugby shirt and the fella alongside will be wearing an Arsenal top, and likely will be carrying a programme from Wednesday nights game!)
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