Just checking to see if i still had all your attention.
I have had a very good day today everyone!

Firstly, I have been very good overnight and not had a many nasty resat's. Now i am still going to get a few and it doesn't half make Grandad T jump when i do.
But these are not as frequent as they were on Saturday. Plus i have also been keeping all my food down, and as i get a bit of wind, this causes me to drop.
The doctors got the results of my blood tests back today and everything was fine with them, so i think it was just that i got a little bit tired.
Sorry if i worried any of you.

Some more news - I'm going to be a star. Not a very big one but then again, I don't see nayone knocking down Uncle Dave's door with job offers.
Because mum and dad have been doing so well with the kangaroo cares, the hospitals feeding expert is going to use photographs of me in training presentations. Beats dad's fleeting appearance on Bergerac!
So here is a nice picture of me and mum that the lady is going to use.

Somehow however, i don't think that they will be using this one!!

I had some more new visitors today as well as my grandparents. This is mum with my great auntie Pat. Now great uncle Brian is lurking around somewhere and guess what they brought with them. That's right, another pink teddy!

Now what you see here is my nurse, Izzy (not the one who is a friend of mum, although they are both quite scatty really), taking the candela out of my hand. This was put here on saturday when i started having a few troubles.

Now as you might remember, i had a few problems with my hand the last time i had one put in. Well i can report that this time i have had no problems. And they have taken it out because i have finished my course of antibiotics.

So there is my busy day. Now tomorrow is a big day. i will 14 days which is a very good achievement. i am also going to be weighed again and we are all very hopefull that this time i will be over my birth weight.
So until tomorrow its goodnight from Kings Mill for another day.
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