Hello again everyone

Well i have now reached the ripe old age of 14 days. Now this is a bit of a milestone and it just goes to show how well i am doing.

The first bit of news is that i have been weighed today. Now i think i told you that in prem babies the doctors hope that we reach our birth weight by 14 days.
Well i have not only reached it but i have exceeded it. I now weigh 2lbs 6 and a half ounces. And think how much it would have been had i not had an off day on saturday.
Speaking of which i have had some more desats so the nurses are watching me again. They do not seem particularly concerened about it. And mum and dad are a lot easier with it now.

The problem centres around the need to keep providing me with food so i can grow, whilsta t the same time ensuring that my o2 levels remain high. It is a bit of a balancing act, and as i say is very common in prem babies. What it does mean is that i may have to go back on the cpac machine a few times just to help me. But that is no bad thing.

And here is another change for me. This morning Lynette decided to have me moved to my own room. This is a little bit more private, and we have a lot of babies coming in. They are expecting there to be 13 babies in the ward over christmas! As you can see mum and dad have not quite tailored it to there own taste but then dad has been working hard on the house.
Now i had some more visitors today. Auntie Ellen came back to see me and brought her mum, Mary, with her. This was cool as they both brought me loads of presents. particularly some nice clothes, which is handy as i am back in them again!

Check out these jimjams (no pun intended). Dad was particularly happy as Auntie Ellen brought me something in blue and white. However at this rate of growth hopefully it won't be long before i'm in bigger sizes.
Well tomorrow i have some more visitors coming (my great uncle Roy!), and mum and dad are going to take it a little easier. They have both been rushing around so much they need a little break.
So untill tomorrow, night night and sweet dreams.
hi zoe nice to see your doing well, keep it up,good to see you with your eyes open keep them on your mum & dad love to you all auntie angela uncle rich & gang xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Zoe, glad to see you are getting so big, it was lovely to see you on Monday night and thank you for making that machine go bleep just long enough to bring that pretty nurse into the roonm ;o) Glad you liked the bear.
I'm off on holiday soon, but I'll be thinking about you and will check in on your website whan I can. I'll get you a great big bottle of Rum for Chrismas and if you are very good, I will help you drink it.
T'ra for now and I'll see you next year!!
Good morning Zoe, I'm sorry we didn't make it but happy as we are to share things we thought we'd keep uncle Graham's cold to ourselves. You might have heard that Uncle Graham is known to take his work quite seriously but he has actually booked a days leave on Tuesday to come up instead as he's sure that he won't be infectious anymore! How privileged and special are you! I think it might also be something to do with my sulky face!!
Dad seems to be confusing you with my name, it really is simple, Mum will explain! We girls will sort it!
Lots of love Aunty Anne and Uncle Gooner (sorry Graham)
PS Tell your Mum Tottenham have further to fall than Arsenal!)
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