Good morning world.
Had another good night but i was still sleepy when mum and dad came to visit this morning.
At midnight the midwife decided to increase my milk to 2.5 ml an hour which is very good. Mum is doing really well with the breastfeeding.
You might have noticed the big splint looking thing on my arm. Well this has now been moved to my foot because last night i wriggled about so much i kept pulling it out.
Now this is a close up of my little right hand. You might remember that i had some complications with it because of the line they put in, and went black.
Well as you can see it is doing very well. My forefinger has nearly regained all its colour which is brill.
Something i forgot to tell you yesterday was that they have been giving me some medicine for my heart. All new babies have a slight hole in their hearts. The medicine they gave me was to help close this hole so no problems would occur later in life.
So, a bit more about my world and the equipment i have.
This is my drip machine. It is timed so that it lets things flow into me on a regular basis. It occasionally beeps loudly, usually when my dad is stood near by and it frightens the life out of him. But it is usually just the end of a cycle and needs resetting.
The stuff in the clear bag is glucose. This is giving me nutrition because I don't take a lot of milk at the moment. However they have said that in the next few hours they are going to drop the level of glucose as my feeds increase which is more good news.
Evenbetter news is that they have said that they may drop my antibiotics. These are what help me to fight off infection so they must think i am doing well on that front!
Another thing that they do to me is called my cares. This is things like cleaning and changing.
Because i am so small I can't have baths or showers - i understand that this would make my friend Lindsay very happy!!!
Normally it is the midwives who do it, and i get cleaned once every six hours.
However when mum is about she does it for me.
And here is a photograph of mum getting ready. Its not a very good photo, all out of focus. You would think that dad would be able to focus properly, but i won't say this to him as he had to rush out on thursday and blow a load of cash on a digital camera. See, I'm costing him a fortune already!!!
The first thing they have to clean is my mouth.
What they have to do is get a small sponge on the end of a stick. This looks like a big pink lollipop. They dip this in a bottle of distilled water.
Then they shove it in my mouth and twirl it round. They do this about three times just to be sure i am clean and ther is nothing sticking to my mouth and lips.
Then it is on to things down below!
I get my nappy changed. They wipe me down with a cotton ball dipped in water.
Very cold water!!!!
They are not weighing my nappy anymore. As yet i have not opened my bowels. Doctor Donna said that they might give me a bit of glycerin to help me with this. I am passing water though.
Now this is my mum doing my cares very gently. This afternoon at four o'clock my dad is going to do it. Can't wait for that. Anyone who has seen my dad handle a lump hammer will now what i am talking about. So its back off to sleep for a few hours. See you later.
Hello Zoe,
Great news that you are out and about - the pictures of you with your mummy and daddy are fab and I can honestly say i've seen your daddy look much scarier! Actually he seems to have lost that scowl we've all come to know and love so you must be doing wonders for him already!
Ben thinks you are tiny and can't wait to see you in real life. We've looked at your pictures today but Uncle Rory has gone to the football match so he's not here. Nevertheless we are all excited about seeing you with Mummy and Daddy and send all our love.
Thomas hasn't seen the pictures yet, but is a little worried about how a baby can be the same size as a bag of sugar - compared to the size of his brother Ben, we have decided that you probably weigh about the same as one of his thighs did!
Anyhow you take care and try to be strong for your mummy and daddy. We'll see you soon
love Caroline & Ben xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya. Thanks for tuning in. As you can see we are all doing very well. Mum is up and about - too much maybe. Dad keeps telling her off. However she might be allowed home tomorrow. Dad managed to get some quality sleep time last night.
It is very strange to think of a person as small as a bag of sugar but its true. Thats what i am. Dad will hopefully be in touch soon. He's still running around but that should ease when mum gets home!
hi zoe this is your cousin lindsay. glad 2 see u are fine. the pictures are really good of you, your mummy and your daddy !!! i want you to send all my love to your mum and dad loads of love lindsay xxxxxxxxxXXxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Linday. Mum and dad have told me loads about you and your sisters. Can't wait to meet you all. I know its a bit sad that i can't yet, but that is because i am in a very special place to make me well. Thanks for the Pooh bear though. I can see us all being very special friends in the future.
Love Zoe
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