Hi everyone its me again. I am now over two days old and doing really well. Everybody at the unit says that i am a little star. I have had my food put up again so now i am on 2 ml of milk per hour. This means mum is going to have to get going on that pump machine again.
Now if you look closely at the photograph you will see that i have little indentation in my chest. This worrys mum a bit but it is quite normal in us prem babies. Because we are so young our lungs have not developed that well. We tend to breathe using our diagphram more than our lungs. Because the effort of breathing is quite hard this can affect my oxygen saturation levels, so my midwife tonight, who is called Dorothy has given me some caffeine in a drip to help.
Its all very tiring for a small person. Speaking of caffeine injections here is somebody who could do with one!!!
Actually dad went to bed this afternoon and managed to get a couple of hours of sleep. The midwives upstairs have been ganging up with mum at him. So tonight he was a lot better even if he doesn't look it. And by the way dad, where's your razor?
Now all those wires you see in the photographs have to lead somewhere. And here is where some of them go.

This is a monitor which keeps track of my vitals. The top line is my heart rate which you can see is 172. The middle line is my o2 levels, and the bottom line is my breathing. All these are at good levels, but if they drop that means the midwife comes running and checks the monitor. Usually it is because i am a wriggle arse and i knock one of the wires or sensors.
However there are another couple of people looking after me and i would like to introduce them. First there is Ted!
Ted was a present sent to me from all the people at mum's work place. So i would like to say a big thank you to them for him.
The second person looking after me is Pooh Bear. he was given to me by three little girls who will definately become my frineds:- Natasha, Kirsty and Lindsay. Thank you for Pooh Bear girls. Here is a picture of me having a cuddle with him and ted and dad.
Dad called me a little marine tonight. I thought it was because i was such a tough little cookie, but dad said it was because i have a skinhead and the sensors on my chest look like dogtags! Then he tried to teach me the phrase 'I love the smell of naphalm in the morning' and stareted humming 'Ride of the Valkyries'. Very strange man.
So its goodnight again from Kings Mill. I'm doing very well and every day i grow stronger. Thanks to all those who have sent me messages, and who have sent messages to mum and dad.
See you in the morning.
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