Afternoon everyone.
I have found a new position to lie in! Its a bit like the position dad lies in bed - on his side on top of the covers. Very warm and comfy though.
I had lots of visitors this afternoon. My grandparents all came. Here you can see Grandad Taylor taking hospital cleanliness very seriously.
Now this person hiding behind my box is my Great Aunt Joan.
She lives in Keighley near Leeds and she drove all the way down yesterday to see me. How cool is that!
She is my Grandma's sister and is very nice. She has made me a lovely hanging for my bedroom wall which I will show you at a later date.
Well there is no putting it off. It's four o'clock and time for my cares again. Where's dad and his lump hammer?
Oh. Actuatly, it's not that bad. Obviously dad can be quite gentle when he needs to.
This photograph you see is the latter stages of dad putting my nappy on. The early stages you would not want to see as it involves me having a great big poo!
But this, although quite gross, is actually good. This means that glycerin worked and my bowels are working properly. I like this because it means that i can continue to have food. And i am up to 3 mls now so bring it on.
See you later everyone.
Good to see you're growing up at last! Still some way to go to catch up with dad though.
Best wishes Ann and Peter
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