Oh hello everyone. Sorry i thought it was my dad grumbling on again. Apparently Rangers are now fifth in the table which he is not happy about.
Well here i am on sunday morning. Strange but this time last week mum and dad had no idea about what was going to happen in the next seven days. Big change!!!
Now last night i had my first little backwards step. Now don't panic, it isn't too bad. In the night my midwife noticed my o2 levels were too high. That was the blue line on the monitor. They think this is beacuse of the speed which my milk allowance has been increasing. So they have put a little bit of oxygen back into the air i breathe in my tank. I have also dropped down to 2 mls again.

Aaah, now here is a nice picture. I mean of me and mum. Ok and of dad too. Now today is the first day that I am goign to be weighed. They do this every Sunday and Wednesday. All new born babies loose ab it of weight in their first few days and this is especially so in prems. So mum and dad were told not to get worried if i had lost some.
I got it a little wrong when i first came on here. I think dad said I was 2lbs 2oz. Well actually i meant 2.2lbs, which is a little bit less. SO they weighed me and i have lost........20g. Everyone thinks this is brilliant. So they are going to start increasing my food again. Brilliant.

Now there are some big smiles on this photo, and no wonder. Mum has been given the all clear by the doctors and she can go home. Look how happy my dad is. He really has worried about her this week and it will do him good to have her home. Just wish that i could go too, but that might not be for a while yet.
Right enough about the olds lets get back to me. Time for some more cuddles and kisses.

This is really cool.
It looks like I'm wearing a big boxing glove.....

And if i manage to swing my arm just right.......

I can bop my dad right on the nose!!!

Time for some new visitors to my room.

Now there was someone else who cam to visit but unfortunately she could not come in to see me. That is my cousin Millie.
She was really upset that she could not come and see me. Don't worry though Mills, i will see you really soon. And as Auntie Gillian says, imagine all the trouble the two of us are going to cause!!
They also brought a present with them for me and here he is.

Isn't he cool!
A big fluffy wabbit.
And here is me with another little rabbit.

Now he is goign to have a very special job. He is going to sleep with me in the day time and then at night he will go home with mum and sleep with her. If he can find room with dad and jess the cat.
What he does is to help mum settle at night because she can sense me on him and sleep easy. Good idea no?
Right i am very tired so i am going to get off. I hope this new way of doing things is ok. Now that mum is home i won;t have as much time to do my reports so i am going to do the whole day at once in the evening.
To be honest at this stage it is just a waiting game with me and although things seem the same, as time goes on things are a lot better. However its really nice to read all the things you say and we are trying to reply to most (Uncle Stuart - a hangover! Dad says you are a lager drinking southerner). Now mum is home she will also be able to talk to lots more people too.
So good night and sweet dreams.
hi Zoe I think it is a nice pink hat and it is unfair uncle Roger is calling it stupid and also yes i will try to teach you how to speak like gollum !!! loads of hugs and kisses (and for your mummy + daddy ) lindsay xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya Linz.
Thank you for saying that my hat is nice.
You know what dad can be like. I know he picks on you htree terribly!
I'v got the bit about nasty little hoobits ok, i just b=need the rest!
Thank you for the hogs and kisses and i will get mum to send one to you from me.
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