Everybody has been very busy this morning getting things ready and prepared, for in a few weeks time...

The ward has a nice big christmas tree on it now. ynette, who has been looking after me ever so much, came and grabbed my mum and dad and made them put some decorations on the tree just for me. That is because like a few other babies i am going to be here on christmas day.
Right on to some news about me.

As you can see from this photo my drip machine has gone.
This is because last night they got made feeds up to 5mls. At this point i no longer the need the glucose to make up the difference and so i am just on milk now which is great.
What they would like is for me to have regained my birth weight within 7-14 days.

It is still done through a syringe, but now it is left to drop into my stomach by gravity rather than being pushed into it.
Now i did get up to 6.5mls this afternoon when mum came, but i was also a little bit sick. The midwives are not too concerned but they are going to keep an eye on it
Another thing i have had today is a head scan
Yes i can just hear Kimbo saying that dad should have one of those.

It is done to determine whetther there is any bleeding inside my head or on the brain.
I have had my second of these now and both have been negative.
I have been having a quieter day today I have not had many visitors but here is one new person.

She is my mum's friend and the mum of Natasha, Kirsty and Lindsay.
Unfortunately i was not very obliging for her and spent most of the time fast asleep.
The docotrs came round the ward this morning and had a good old talk about me. They are very happy i am doing so well. Mum asked the doctor a question about my eyes, as i have not opened them yet. He had a look and he said that the left eye is ok but the right is still 'fused' a bit.
So i guess i can't put it off any longer. I had better have a look at this strange world.

And dad has had a shave and cut his hair.
He looks a bit like me now, except for my pretty pink hat.
Apparently Grandma is now knitting lots of clothes. However she has had to buy a dolls pattern for me because i am so small!!

Mum is not coming to see me tonight as she is very tired so i am going to just see my dad.
And i am very fortunate as Uncle Kimbo was going to drag him off for a golf lesson.
So another good day for me. Dad calls me Gollum now, which i think is a little unfair. He says its because i have such big feet and hands. At least it takes some of the heat off of Lindsay. Now if i could only get her to teach me how to speak like Gollum, that would scare my dad!!
By for now.
Roger & Susan, Congratulations on your new arrival Zoe, its nice to see that you are all doing so well. Hopefully it won't be long before your all at home together.
Love Matthew & Nicola
Hi Zoe. Grandad Gordon here. Sorry didn't get to see you yesterday but I told you I was having a new boiler fitted so it will be warm for you when you come see me. Hope to see you Tuesday sometime. Keep up the good progress. Love.
Hi Zoe, Mummy & Daddy,
You look like you are coming on a treat and we are so glad for all of you. Me and uncle Rory have been so worried about you all - but now i'm back at work I can keep up to date. Can't wait to see you! And I promise I will try not to cry - Uncle Rory says there is no chance, he's bringing the tissues! Everyone sends their love.
Love and kisses
Auntie Caroline xxxxxxxxx
Hello Zoe you are so gorgeous! Hello to mummy & daddy Ambler too & many congratulations on your beautiful daughter. Can't wait to see you all very soon.
Lots of love, kisses & hugs Kath, Mark & Sam (an extra big hug from Sam).
PS Zoe your daddy has a very hairy chest!!!!!!
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