Hi again!

21 to day, 21 today. Thats days not years! Dad is having enough problems coping with a 21 day old daughter. The thought of a 21 year old daughter running around would push him to the limit!
Any way i am 21 days old today (or yesterday if you are reading this on thursday!). Now if i make it to 28 days with no major hiccups, then that is another hurdle passed.

So the great weight sweepstake. I was weighed this morning and i am 1.26kg, which for anybody working in real systems is 2lbs 12oz. Well done dad, you got it spot on!!
This means that since Sunday i have put on 4oz For people like thomas, who found it hard to imagine i weighed as little as a bag of sugar, that is like a quarter of sweets from the sweetshop!
Because of this my feeds have gone up again. Also i am spending less time on the cpap machine now. Before i was weighed i was on for 6 hours and off for 2.
Well now i am on for 6 and off for 3. Which is good as people like uncle ian get to see me without a mask on for a bit (i think that uncle ian has fallen in love with me already, which is understandable!)

I have had lots of visitors today.
First grandma and grandad A came to see me and brought me a lovely picture from my cousin millie.
Then grandad T and uncle Ian came to see me. And i was really good for them and openend my eyes and everything.
And then this nice lady came to see me again. This is Izzy (not the mad one who works here but the mad one who is friends with mum and dad). And she was allowed to give my hand a little stroke. Thanks you for all the lovely presents they brought! And she even brought a great big cuddly bear!!!

Oh no, sorry. That is her husband David. They are really nice and dad thinks that he has already got another babysitter lined up now. And not just for me but for the dig too!
And actually, if there are any dogs around the country that would like a good home, come and see Izzy. She'll have you!

So all in all it was a very busy day. Lots of people to see, lots of nappies to fill (sorry about the gross one dad), lots of nurses to annoy (sorry emily). And it is only three sleeps til santa comes. I have my stocking on my incubator, which with any luck i will take a photo of thursday.
So until then,
night night.
Only 3 more sleeps till santa, bet your mums getting real excited.
Glad to see your putting on weight, soon be as tubby as your dad.
Having played st andrews in your honour, it was only fitting your dad lost to superior skill, ask him about his tour round the car park on the last.
Night night
Uncle Kimbo.
Hi Uncle Kimbo.
I did ask dad about the car park. He seems to think that you are confused witht he time that you hit off the first tee and landed your ball on the bonnet of a pick-up!
He say that Uncle Stuart can confirm this, but not much else about sundays game as he had 3 pints by the 9th hole!!
See you soon Uncle Kimbo
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