This Breast Feeding is a Breeze!!!
Basically what you have to do is this.
A) Sleep for between 3 and 5 hours.
B) Wake up when you are hungry and put on the grumpy face (crying a bit also helps)
C) Someone supplies you with an endless stream of food
D) Okay so you have to be winded but mostly i just trump or have my nappy changed
E)Back to sleep for another 5 hours max.

Actually it is going really well and everybody is happy with how i am doing. The doctors have been on their rounds and they have said that it is going to be two weeks max before i am home, and maybe less so that is good news. That means i may be home for dad's birthday!!

Had a couple of visitors today. Firstly Grandad T came round this afternoon and was very happy to find me wide awake.
And then in the evening i had some more.

Here is Auntie Ellen (Sorry but the photo of you head down didn't come out so i had to use this one).

And then I had a big cuddle with Uncle Sneag. The resemblance is uncanny don't you think. Dad said it was like Dr Evil and Mini Me!

Now because i am scratching my face, dad put these horrible things on me. I have nearly managed to suck one of them off, but mum says that tomorrow she is going to do my nails. I tell you its like a health spa - manicure, massage, hot rooms, sunbeds. Fantastic.
Right i'm off. I have a pedicure at ten! Just call me bubbles darling everybody does!
Bye bye
(p.s. congratulations to Uncle Ian. Well done you deserve it)
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