Spot what's missing!!
That's 10 points to all you who said 'where's that tube thing up her nose'.
Well here is how it goes.

Today was Wednesday so i had my weigh in as normal. And my weight now is....4lbs 11oz. This means that in 3 days i have put on another 3 and a half ounces. What the nurses think is that i am having my breast feed, and then i am just lying back and having all of my expressed milk too.

So this has to stop if i am to go home. The doctors think that medically i am nearly there. They certainly don't see me being here more than 2 weeks, providing i start a proper feeding patern. So it was out with the tube and on to demand feeding.

Now i cant't show you any pictures of mum's boobies so here is a nice one of me and dad. What this did mean was that unfortunately mum had to spend most of the day at the hospital to be on call. And it has generally worked very well. The longer the day has gone on, the more i have woke up hungry. Last night i breast fed for 15 minutes, had a breather and then went on for another 10. Now the tube will go back in tonight so the nurses can feed me. But day 1 went very well.
Now, remember all those days ago to the start of my story when i had those problems with a black hand.

Well now look at it. Mum is getting seriously concerned with the length of those finger nails. Dad has already been punished by pulling his hair for weeks now. But this talon could do some serious damage!!

Right i had better let you all get off. Another good day, and a bonus Lindsay was that i didn't have to have a bath as Lynette thought not to try too many things in one day. Fantastic.
I will keep you up to date with my breast feeding patterns tomorrow. I will also tell you how much i screamed tonight when i was hungry and mum wasn't there. Poor Emily!!
Till tomorrow,
night night.
hi Zoe,hope your getting settled in well with your mum and dad,All the best Rosie xxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi zoe hope you have got my pom-pom soon.all the best Rosie xxxxxxxxxxx
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