Friday, January 20, 2006

Pulling your NGT out is fun because... annoys the nurses and you get a really good photograph.
Hi everyone and welcome back.

Mum has not been here this evening so we have drafted in replacments to help out dad.
Its like the Laurel and Hardy show!!!

Ok so i probably scared a lot of you yesterday with talk of blood transfusions and bone marrow and blood cells. Well i had my blood tests and guess what? Blood cell production is high, gasses are fine and i am basically working ok.
So the doctors have decided not to fool around with that whilst it is doing so well.
Hang on a minute...

....hold the tube higher Grandad!!! Its not going down.

Anyway, we are back on to the old story of reflux. Now apparently reflux does not just mean you bring food back up. It affects breathing and all kinds of things. So i am back on the gaviscon. This will do me no long term harm and the doctors would rather clear this first than mess around with blood transfusions....


So we will see how that works out. This weekend it will be bath number three, another weigh in and more visitors. So until monday i will leave you all to have a good weeknd. Oh and hello and welcome back to Kirsty. Hope you had a good time in Hathersage.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen Miss - I am told that capital letters mean that you are shouting. I realise that I may not have been letting you have all your "pint" in one guzzle but I was also keeping my eye on your determined attempts to pull your tube out. So no need to shout. I think your Dad did a good job with your cares and I liked his choice of peach to replace the yellow. Somehow he avoided pink. I wonder why? I think his conversation with Gail led me to believe that he would prefer to see you in a Scotland rugby shirt. Oh well he can dream I suppose. Love Grandad T

9:29 am  

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