Hi everyone.

We are experiencing technical difficulties again with getting the photos on the web. So i will leave it short and hopefully i can get some more in over the weekend.
I have been doing really well today, and the nurses said that i was scrummy!! Whatever technical term that is!!
Feeds are going really well and i am keeping all my breast milk, tube and from breast, down.
Now tomorrow i may be having my first bath. Now i know there is a lot of sympathy out there from people like Lindsay. However it should be a laugh and hopefully i can bring the snaps in for you to see.

Right i am going to get off and have a word with my technical advisors.
And here is wishing Tricky Wint a very good 18th birthday party tonight.
Until then i will leave you with this really nice photo of me and my mum.
Speak to you soon.
Hi Zoe. I understand that you have now had a bath so your "nosy" dad cant say your feet smell anymore. Besides when I had a good sniff they weren't that bad. Nothing more than you would expect after six weeks without a bath. I have looked at all you "blog" reports and havn't smelled anything on them yet. You are right-it is a good photo of you and your Mum. Blue and short hair suits her. Love Grandad T.
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