Will you just look at these!!!

This is what my dad is talking about. Fluffy boots. He says it makes me look like a Fimble!!

Anyway, hello everyone again. Things are still going really well here. I have now been off oxygen and on just air since tuesday, and if i progress like this the doctors are confident i will be able to move to a cot sooner rather than later. It is still to do with temperature and air, but they doctors say that i will continue to have desats whether i'm in a box or a cot. So i don't want to get all your hopes up but things look good for next week.

Here is my mum doing my feeds. As i told you yesterdat i up to 41mls every 3 and half hours. Its quite a long process to get all that down me. However the other day i had a new tube put in which is bigger than the last. Also now i have to have half, sit up and be winded, and then have the second half. So a lot of the desats i am having are to do with wind. And also witht he fact that i fidgit a lot!!!

Now here is something somebody has been looking forward to. Normally we are not allowed to be passed around like a rugby ball, but Dad has a bit of a sniffle so he let his cuddle be taken by Grandad T, who as you can see has just had a haircut as well. Now in the spirit of fairness we are going to try and arrange it so Grandma can have a cuddle tomorrow too. And then i bet i get Uncle Ian shouting from Southampton that he wants one.

I had a visit from The Big Bear today. Actually it was Uncle Sneag but he looks like one. He has been on holiday and so has not seen me for a while. His first words were 'Bl**dy hell she's grown!'.
You see me here in my jim jams. Mum has decided that at night i can be changed from my normal clothes into jammies. So i'm off to do what my shirt says and count some sheep. poor dad. he read that and now cannot get the Cliff Richard song out of his head. 10 points to anyone else who gets the title.
Night night,
you are doing really well at the minute so keep it up young lady because i want a cuddle too! i love your socks and i dont see why uncle roger has a problem! he must not enjoy our love of intersesting and colourful footwear! they are nice jim jams too...i know what to get you for christmas/birthdays!
love you
tash xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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