Evening all.

Its been quite a busy day today here at NICU. We had four little ones leave and go home, and then we had a couple of new arrivals.
However, life for us goes on as normal. Today was weigh day and there is a lot of pressure on me not to weigh 2lbs 8oz like Grandad A said!!! Well I am now 3lbs and seven and a half oz(1.58kg). SO at this rate i should be over 4lbs in a couple of weeks.

My feeds have gone up again because of my weight gain, so i am now on 41mls. However, i have them every 3 and a half hours now, which gives everyone a bit more of a break.
The other big news is that last night my nurse, Maureen noted that i looked hungry and was rooting. So she gave me part of my next feed from a cup. And i was ok with it. I managed to swallow properly which is really good.

Most babies will suck when they have a bottle but then forget the bit about swallowing. However by using the cup, it shows i can swallow properly, and this will help with the transition to breast feeding.
Part of my cares which I dont think that I have mentioned before is eye care. When i was on CPAP the tiny mask pushed up against my right eye, and it became sticky.

The nurses were worried that there might be an infection, but all the swabs taken have come back negative. However, I am having eye drops and my eye has to be cleaned regularly. And this is how they do it. They dip a swab in saline and have to brush it across my eye. Very nice. Not!!!

This is my cool jacket that Auntie Isabel and Uncle Daveid bought me. As i said mum is trying to wrap me up so that my temperature remains constant. Currently I am in 29.7oC in the incubator and if i am to come out i have to get down to 27. However they think that this will not be too long.
So there you go. Another busy day for me.
I will be back tomorrow with more news.
Until then, night night.
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