Good evening everyone.

First an apology to my Uncle Ian. I realise my remarks were hurtful and inaccurate(although not far off really) and that this may affect any future present situations. I retract my comments entirely and can't wait to see you again uncle!
I had lots of visitors today. Auntie Ellen came down to see me and then i had all grandparents. Unfortunately(or not as Uncle Kimbo might say) I did not see a lot of dad as he had discovered a leak in the water system at home and was sitting there like the little dutch boy tring to fix it.

Now tomorrow will be weigh day again. Grandad A reckons i will be up to 2lbs 7oz!!! Which will not be very good as it will mean that i have lost 14oz!!! Come on grandad get with the beat!!!!

I reckon that i should be up to about 3lbs 8oz which will still be good. Also my hemo levels have continued to rise again. I am well over 10 now. Uncle Ian was asking Grandad T what a normal level was. Mum asked the nurses to supply this information and normal levels are 10, so i am doing fine again.

Also mum has figured out that if i wear more clothes in the incubator i will be warmer, and so has decided to wrap me up. This includd a pair of stripy pink fluffy boots, which dad was disgusted to see when he got here. Actually it was Emily really so dad will be letting fly at her tomorrow.
Dad has a good relationship with all the nurses. He says its like being a mormon. He goes into hospital and suddenly he has 8 wives nagging him. Actually he gives as good as he gets. You know dad!!!
Right off to the land of nod. I will speak to you all again tomorrow.
Night night
Hi Zoe. Grandad T here. Just to say you looked great, depite being asleep for most of the time, when I came this afternoon. I do feel that your Dad should have told you that it needed the older generation to help sort out the plumbing problem though. Grandads are good for some things you know. Love.
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