Some Very Special People
Now before I leave hospital i want you to meet some of the very special people who have been looking after me.

Firstly this is Emily. She has been the butt of most of dad's jokes whilst I have been here, but she has taken lots of care of me.

As has Lindsy here. A lot of the things that have really pushed me on were initiated by Lindsy, such as cup feeding.

Now i think i introduced you to Helen earlier. As i said she saw me in and she saw me out too which was really nice.

As did Hannah. She is a student nurse who started her ward placement on the day i arrived.

Another butt of dad's jokes was Gail here. However she certainly gave as good as she got, and was another who took particular care of me and pushed things on.

As did Lindy here. She is the one on the right, and took care of me lots of time at night when mum and dad were not here.
The one on the left is Mad Izzy.

Also here is Yvonne. She is one of the ward assistants (actually she has become more qualified since i came in and can now care for the babies) and was responsible for making sure i had everything i needed.

And of course here is Dorothy. She is the Modern Matron in charge of the whole unit. Dad had waited for exactly two months before he said 'Ooh Matron' in a Kenneth Williams style.
Of course there are far too many people for me to thank individually here. Unfortunately Lynette was not on today so i had to say goodbye to her on Saturday.
Also there are loads of people who worked the night shifts, like Wendy (who comes from Glasgow and supports Rangers) and Naomi, some of whom mum and dad never got to see.

However to all of you i just want to say a huge thank you. Without you mum, dad and I would never have got through this. The ladies(and Emily) who work on here are amazing, dedicated people. They treat mums and dads like parents not patients from the start. They make things easier to cope, and especially people like Sue Croydon, Sue Selby and Sandra were able to share dad's sense of humour. Others like Gail Henderson were there to provide supprot when it was most needed.
Fantatsic people the lot.
I really could not let this entry go without adding my comment. I just want to add to what Zoe has said on behalf of the "New Family".
That same wonderful sense of "being included" has been experienced by all visitors over the last eight weeks. I am sure I speak for all, but particularly for myself and Grandma and Grandad Ambler who, perhaps, have visited more than most. We are so appreciative. Just words cannot be found to thank you all - not just for the care that you have shown to Zoe (and Susan and Roger) but to all the other babies and parents who fleetingly pass though NICU. You will always be part of their lives. Thank you.
Hi. A ps.
Just noticed that in the photo with Emily, Zoe managed a "V" for victory sign. That must mean that she knows that all is fine. Very encouraging.
Grandad T.
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