Back Again!!
Hello everyone.
Now i have had quite a few complaints because i have not been on line for a few weeks.
So here we go with Chapter 2, Zoe Comes Home.

The first thing that i want you to do is show you round my world.

Now Lindsay and cousin Millie may recognise mt bed, because it belonged to both of them. However, dad got hold of it and sanded it down, and now it looks like new.

Despite what everyone says, dad really is quite clever. This is my wardrobe which dad built from scratch. Not too shabby! If you look clsoely on top of the wardrobe, you can see my bath. Now i have had a couple since i have been home, and as usual i scream before and after, but i am ok when i am in.

Quite a lot of clever people have helped out with my room. These are my curtains which were made for me by Grandma. Now i would like to say that it is all nice and personal. However, anyone who knows my dad will realise this is all because he is a tight Scot and does not like paying for anything!

Now this is brand new. This was bought for me for christmas by Grandad T and Uncle Ian. There is a shelf part which can be added on when i get older, so this is really nice because it is something that i can have for years to come.

Now i think i told you when i was in hospital, that My Great Aunt Joan had made a really nice wall hanging for me. Here it is. This is similar to one that Millie had in her room.

Because evryone has been really kind to me, and i have had lots of gifts, dad has had to put up lots of shelves like this one. I have three shelves all full with cuddly animals. The only one that i can't fit on is the huge bear that Uncle Sneag bought me.

So ther you go. This is my room, which is a lot different from when Uncle Sneag stopped with us. However, its very tiring being home so its time to have a little nap. I have started to get into some kinf routine at home and i try not to keep mum and dad awake too much.
So that is all for now. I will do some more in a little while and i will try to update every month so people can see how i am progressing.
Bye bye,
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