Home on the 30th January!!
Well there is no putting it off anymore.

The room is all tidy and cleared away. Dad has been running back and forth between home and the hospital and has brought my push chair. As we live only five minutes away, mum and dad thought it would be really nice to walk home.

So its chance to say goodbye to everyone. This was quite an emotional moment and mum wept buckets. But then dad says she cries at the Whiskas adverts on tv.

However dad was pretty choked too. He must have been as he bought everyone who worked on the unit a rose. Soft git!

And then it is off we go. Dad is in charge of driving whilst we are leaving the hospital. I'm sure this will be the first of many walks for him with me in my pram.

And before long we are at home. Now its very quiet inside which i think means that either Frodo is not aware we are home, or he is fast asleep.

Now i just want to take this moment before i go in to thank you all. There are so many of you out there who have helped to bring this moment about.
Simply by logging on and looking at my site.
Some of you i have already met, and some i hope to me soon.
Some of you i have spoken to through the comments.
All this has gone a long way to help mum and dad. i know it kept dad from going round the bend in the first few weeks and it has really been a way for them to see how much everyone was thinking of them.
Now i will try to keep regular updates going on here for, especially for those a long way off. Also if you want to make any comments they will get to mum and dad and they can respond. To be honest i am going to let you into a secret. Although i have been taking credit for all my technical abilities, a lot of it was down to dad!!
But right now i have something very important to do.

My first nights sleep in my own home.
Thank you everyone and see you all soon.
Night night from home.