Hi everyone.
My name is Zoe Ambler and this website is designed for someone very special
As the title suggests, I was born on 30th November 2005, which came as a bit of a shock for my mum and dad as they were not expecting me until February 2006. However dad says its kind of inevitable that i would be born on St Andrews Day.
So i was born very early, 12 weeks to be exact. My mum went into hospital on sunday night with some problems, and after 22 hours of labour they decided to perform a section.
This went very well and i was born at 1.20 in the afternoon. I weighed 2lbs 2oz - about the weight of a packet of sugar - and i was 14 inches long. Everyone was really worried about me so it was just time to say a quick hello to mum and dad before i was whisked off to a special unit for early babies.
And so this is where you find me now. Dad is making this website because he is very busy and there are lots of people who want to know how i am doing. So all you have to do know is log on and you can check up on my progress.
Hello ZOE, It's lovely to see you on your website (what a good idea!) We've known your grandma and grandad Ambler and your mummy and daddy a long time. We hope we can meet you and get to know you better when you come home.
Love from Carol and Fred Wild.xxxxx
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