Thursday, November 30, 2006

More Birthday Photos


Thank You..... everyone who came and helped me celebrate a very special day. It was really wonderful and i have received so many great presents and cards.
Here are a few pictures from the day that i hope you will like.


All this food!!

Just for little old me.

Well actually it is for all the guests coming, But i'm sure i can sneak something when no one is looking.

A big thank you to Auntie Ellen who came runnig round to help mum this afternoon. Dad has not been very well and had to go to the hospital this morning so mum has been working very hard.

And a thank you as well to Great Auntie Joan who has made me a lovely cake. And look at the cake mum did in the shape of Jessie!!
Tuck in all of you!


Pressie Time

Well here we are on my birthday and I'm starting on the presents. Only a few as I have a lot of very important people coming later and i have loads coming from them (I hope).
Now this one is from mum and dad. It feels very familiar but i'm not sure what it is.

Get rid of this paper. Although i have to tell you that it is quite tasty!!

And inside we have.....

.....a sky+ remote control!!!

Now if i am lucky this means that dad has got me sky multiroom for my bedroom. if not it means dad is fed up with me eating his sky remote and has got me one of my own.

And it is the second thing. Never mind! I'm pretty sure that this does not work either. Iv'e been pointing it at the telly and nothing happens!!



Happy Birthday to me!
Well it's pretty amazing isn't it? I have been doing this blog for a year now which makes me the ripe old age of ONE!
I certainly have been coming on a lot in the last couple of months. Just look at all that hair on my head. In fact i have so much now thta it is difficult to see my birthmark. Actually that is really going down. It is very nearlly flat to my skin and its going a lot paler. The doc says that it will still be a couple of years before its gone but with all this hairt who cares!
Now I'm not crawling yet but i do have very good balance and hardly ever fall over when i'm sat now. And i have started climbing things which makes everyone more sure that i'm not goign to bother with that crawling thing and just go straight to walking.
Well i had better leave you now and wee what Mum and Dad have got me!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Little Saint Nick

As you may recall, some of us from the neo natal unit meet up every month for a bit of a chat and chin wag and a cup of tea.
Well this week we had our christmas party and we went to the White Post Farm again.
We did the usual looking at fluffy animals and smelly ones too, and then we had a bit of lunch. And then before we left i went to see someone very special.
Now this is the first time i have met Santa, and between you and me i was not too sure.
However, after a few minutes we hit it off and he promised that he would deliver all the things on my christmas list. Unlike Dad i have been very, very good this year!!
Only a couple of days to go now to the big event. Mum and dad are doing me a bit of a party so hopefully i'll have some photos of that for you.

Friday, November 17, 2006

All my bags are packed...

...I'm ready to go!
Don't worry, I'm not about to break out into a Peter, Paul and Mary hit.

However, it is a very important day for me as i am off to school.
We'll actually its nursery not school, but its the same thing to me. Mum and Dad have decided to send me here for one day a week just so i get chance to mingle (boss) other children.
The nursery is one near to where mum works and this means that dad also gets a day off to do things important- like play golf with grandad!!!
Anyway, as you can see i am ready to leave so i will let you all know how it goes.
(13 sleeps to my birthday!)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Proper Food

Hi everyone.
Sorry that I have not been on line for a while. We've been having internet problems at home that have caused a temporary halt. However here we are back and look - it's only November. That means that in a few weeks i will be 1. Unbelieveable really.

Now that i am a big girl though, I have started to have meals with the parents. So this is me tucking into my first proper spag bol.

As you can see i still manage to get it everywhere. I have not quite perfected the spag bol slurp like dad.

Now i have tried Chilli at Aunty Ellen's, Plaice at Grandma's and Dad even got me a cuzza. And i love it all. in fact I just love food full stop. Bit like Dad really.
