we as a family with 3 children had some of the complications that you as a family have had , our first child nicole was born 8 weeks early 3lb 6oz and burst both of her lungs times like that are very emotional and stressfull for both parents to pull together for each other but now our nicole has just celebrated her 13th birthday. when you look back and you feel lucky that the children are in your lifes. we also had our 3 child born 7 weeks early but not all the complications that nicole had . we got drawn to your website through the stags website on the fund raising for kings mill ,all of our children were born there 2 of our children spent 6 weeks each in the special care unit and the nurses are like angels without them were would we be we are so gratefull and dont forgetwhat they did for us, and we will be donating to the 3 peaks walk . all the best for the future with your family
we as a family with 3 children had some of the complications that you as a family have had , our first child nicole was born 8 weeks early 3lb 6oz and burst both of her lungs times like that are very emotional and stressfull for both parents to pull together for each other but now our nicole has just celebrated her 13th birthday. when you look back and you feel lucky that the children are in your lifes. we also had our 3 child born 7 weeks early but not all the complications that nicole had . we got drawn to your website through the stags website on the fund raising for kings mill ,all of our children were born there 2 of our children spent 6 weeks each in the special care unit and the nurses are like angels without them were would we be we are so gratefull and dont forgetwhat they did for us, and we will be donating to the 3 peaks walk . all the best for the future with your family
ye zo bet you can sing better than all of them... even the dog
xxx linz xxx
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