... you obviously have never seen me in the bath.

Now some of you will have already experienced the joy that is bath time. Other have just seen the carnage that remains when i finally come out. Until now we have resisted putting photos of me in the bath "necked" as it were!

However as i am finding it a doddle to sit on my bum i thought i would share these with you. Now, in the interests of preserving my modesty, i have put a towel there to cover my bits!

This chair is really great. I can sit up and play with the bubbles, there is no danger of dad plunging my head under the water as is his want - not funny dad.
What I can't show you is the wonderful scenes of when i lie down in the bath. Dad says the camera cost far too much money and i suppose he does have a point.

I do make a lot of mess, but it is just so much fun splashing and covering everyone in water. Even Grandad A has had a go!

Right cold now. Want out!!
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