Friday, February 08, 2008

More Parklife

Just a few more photos from another day in the park.

And no dad didn't get stuck in the pipe Uncle Sneag, before you say it!!!


GT look away now

Of course you didn't think i was going to get away with it did you? Dad was bound to try this.
This is the photo that will send the grandparents into a state of panic and have those close to me ringing social services!!!

Thats what wellies were made for!!!

This tranquil looking place (tranquil until we arrived mind you) is called Tarn Hawes in the Lakes. It is not far from where we were staying so off we popped for a day.

After a nice stroll round the lake on Dad's back (!) we stopped and had a picnic for lunch.

Frodo however had other things on his mind (with much encouragement from dad i might add).

Well i have my wellies on so lets give it a go.

Now i need a little bit of help from dad of course (always on the watch for a sneaky splash i might also add).

This is kind of fun, and i'm sure that i can catch dad with some of those splashes.

Cool wellies, Hey?
And so we head back. I've had a pretty hectic day so i'll just catch some zzzzzz's in the car.

Beer Monster

One of the good things about when we go away on holiday is that Dad is always trying to find the perfect pint of real bitter.
Now Yorkshire was going to be pretty good for this, and as some of you may remember from previous posts, i am never one to pass up on really good pint myself. So here goes.

Dad does not look very amused does he.

Good pint though. I seem to remember this was in a pub in Bedale if anyone fancies one!


Well here we go then.
This is way back in the mists of time. At the end of September last year we went on our family holiday to Ingleton in the Yorkshire Dales.

Whilst we were there we found a pretty fabulous park where i had loads of fun.

I kept dragging mum and dad down here every day.

There will be more pictures to follow soon.


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Hi Everyone

I'm really sorry that i have been incredibly slack on the blogger.
Part of the reason has been that we have had problems logging into it since we made the switch in email names.
However thanks to the skill of a computer wizard (no not dad, uncle Ian of course) I can now log on and continue to do my little bits.
Now i have a long way to go back so it will take a little time. So keep watching this space and we are so, so sorry!