I slept in really late. We were all going to the Hardwick Inn for our Christmas meal on Christmas Eve.
Here i am sat in my high chair wearing my lovely Christmas bib from Aunty Pat.
We had a really nice meal and I ate loads - not as much as dad and Grandad T but then there are limits!!!
It was really nice to see Uncle Ian up again. He was very worried as the first few times as i kept crying. But as you can see he is a real laugh and we became really good friends over Christmas.
Up nice and early!! Not quite as early as Mum but i am sure this will change in the future. You know, knocking on mum and dad's door at five in the morning!
It was no rest for the wicked. Before we could start all the super present ripping it was round the res nice and early with Frodo!! Very cold but not enough to stop dad rolling up his sleeves!! Nutter. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It was round to Grandad T's for some really serious present opening!!!
Now how do you keep the two Taylor children quiet for half and hour? Very simple, you get them to try and assemble a child's toy on Christmas Day. Eventually it took dad taking it outside and hitting it hard (a usual construction technique of his) but what i ended up with is a toddle truck. And here is a picture of me using it. I am quite fast on it and very rarely fall.
I was still opening presents. There was a huge mountain of them to get through, and then Autie Pat and Uncle Brian turned up and there were even more!! It got to the stage where I found that present opening was a lot easier when you are semi naked!!